Ability to Accept these Terms

You affirm that you are at least 18 years old or of legal age in your jurisdiction and are competent to agree to these Terms of Service. Users under 18 or the legal age of majority are prohibited from submitting personal information or using Dirtyfox.xyz.


We do not claim credit for user-submitted images unless stated. Users are responsible for ensuring they have rights to submitted content. We are not liable for copyright violations.


We may terminate or suspend access to Dirtyfox.xyz without notice for violations of these Terms. Provisions that survive termination include ownership, indemnity, and liability limitations.

Changes to Terms

We may modify these Terms at our discretion. Material changes will be notified at least 30 days in advance. Continued use of the site after updates signifies acceptance of the new terms.

Prohibited Activities

Disclaimer and Liability

We are not liable for data loss, financial loss, or damages. Users are exposed to a variety of content and waive any claims against us regarding offensive or inaccurate content.